Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Reasons women don’t really care how attractive a man is..

Guys looking to meet women often ask the question, “Do looks matter?” Well, to put it nicely, no. They don’t matter much, if at all, for women.
How many times have you seen a very attractive woman — I mean, like, super attractive — walking down the street, hand-in-hand with a short, overweight and balding man? I’ll give you a hint: more times than you can count!

Not to say looks won’t help a bit — they will, but only for a brief moment. Looks can give you a slight boost in getting a woman’s “attention,” and that’s about it.
After you start talking to a woman, she won’t care one iota about how chiseled your face is or how big your biceps are. But, I thought all women like nice, chiseled faces and big, muscular arms? Well, fortunately for us men, they don’t! Here are three reasons why:

I’m not talking about social status as in fancy cars or gigantic Hollywood mansions.
What I mean by social status is social intelligence. Women are innately attracted to men who are socially skilled.
Guys who can make women laugh, act confidently around them and communicate effectively with them are the men who have high social status.
Men who possess these traits turn on the attraction switches within the minds of women. These switches have been wired since the beginning of time.
I’m talking about when our ancestors were banging rocks and rubbing sticks together, lived in tribes and relied on each other to survive. The men who were most socially adept were considered the alpha males of these groups and were often given the best of everything the tribe had to offer.
They were given the best food, water, shelter and other resources and, therefore, had the best health — something that was incredibly important to a woman looking for a mate.
You see, it wasn’t the most physically dominant or best-looking men who led these groups, but rather, the most socially savvy. We evolved into the most intelligent animals on the planet because of our spoken word and communication.
We conversed, exchanged ideas and prospered as a species because of our incredibly high-regard for interpersonal communication.
Without this, we would not have come so far. (We’d probably still be rubbing sticks together, instead of turning up the heat in our comfortable homes.) With that said, women are naturally endeared to men who possess this quality.
The men who have the highest social status, or social game, are the most attractive of all!

Knowing women are primarily attracted to characteristics like leadership, confidence,humor, social aptitude and other favorable traits is a great thing for guys.
This means we can change our level of attractiveness to women by working on and improving these skills. If attraction was based solely on looks, a lot of us would be screwed!
Thankfully, it’s not, however, and we have a way of increasing our level of it. By working on our personalities and working on the aforementioned quality traits, we can become more desirable in the eyes of more women.

Despite what you may believe, your looks are not permanent. Your mind, heart and soul may be, but your looks are not!
They change every day. We age as each second passes, and our looks alter slightly with each fleeting moment.
Not only that, but we can and constantly do alter our appearance, whether through changing our hairstyle, clothing, physique or something else.
Women intuitively know this. They know that when they meet a guy, he is not going to look the same years down the road. He may lose his hair, gain a belly or just grow old, like all of us do.
They realize this because these same things will happen to them in some capacity. Therefore, women don’t put as much emphasis into the way a guy looks when she meets him.
Men who have the best personalities often attract the most women. They have the confidence, leadership, social skills and charisma to be that quintessential “alpha male” that women desire.
Don’t focus on trying to make yourself physically attractive; instead, focus on building your personality. Do this, and the rest will follow.
And, by the rest, I mean women! Women will desire your personality above all else, so work on crafting a good one.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

13 Lessons I Have Learned From Work

I have learnt a few things from the (not so many) places that I have worked at and though I am still learning. 

This is what I have come up with so far.

1. How not to backstab and gossip your way to the top because it is so hard to always look over your shoulder. This is the first cardinal rule as it determines how others perceive you and how they will treat you. If they know that you talk a lot, they might not want you to stick around. 

2. How not to lie your way through situations and how to always take responsibility; because if you don’t someone will blame you first. If you make a mistake, admit it immediately so you don’t end up looking like a fool. You might still end up looking like a fool anyway, but at least you will seem like a slightly more responsible fool. 

 3. How to treat others as you would want to be treated- you never know who might be talking about you and it’s always nice to have a friend in your corner. That means if people ask about you, tell them what they need to know and nothing else. Try to be friendly but not too familiar. If they want to tell you about themselves, let them. But when they want to tell you about someone else that you may or may not know, walk away. Literally walk away. 

4. How we are all just grown children and the term ‘adult’ does not actually have a meaning. Therefore, don’t take anyone too seriously. If they act irrationally- humour them and let them have their way. You are not being a fool- you are being the bigger person and letting them act like the child that they are. 

5. How to always cover my tracks because someone is always watching. Don’t go on social media or anything that is not related to your work. Use your phone sparingly. And if you do any of these things, make sure you don’t get caught. 

6. You thought you had seen or read it all but there is always something that will surprise you. Be prepared for that. 

7. If it’s not your money, don’t spend it anyhow. Enough said. 

8. If family or friends visit, limit your conversation and make them wait for you. You want to seem as deeply committed to your work as possible. This goes along with talking to a colleague that sits across from you or is close to you. Don’t spend endless minutes talking with them. The work might be boring or there might be no work at all, but you are still getting paid for it and so try to look as if you are actually doing it. 

9. Don’t go for too many coffee or toilet breaks (not more than 3 during the day excluding lunch time). Lunch should be the designated time you have been given- do not go over and above that and try not to go below that- this is break time and a break you should have. 

10. The customer is always right- even when they are not. Customer service is most important and every company serves a customer of some sort. Don’t let the customer see all your nonsense or that of the company’s. If they act irrationally- refer to point 4 above. Don’t let them walk all over you but don’t give them attitude either. At the end of the day, your company and your pay depend on how you treat the customer. 

11. Try to have some initiative and come up with new ideas as to how to improve your work. This makes you look like a top asset and shows that you are committed to your work. Even if your ideas are rubbish, the very fact that you are thinking and using your noodle, makes you seem like more of an asset. 

12. Always be punctual. Tardiness is unprofessional and makes you look like uncommitted. Whether its 2 minutes or 5 minutes. If you are going to be late- don’t. But if you have no choice, make sure that you have the number of someone higher up that you can tell that you are running late. 

13. Especially if it is your first job, there will be times when you have no idea what you are doing and you will make a lot of mistakes. There will also be times when you will wonder- are they regretting hiring me for the job? Do I know what I’m doing? Do I really want this? Help! All these thoughts will be running through your mind as you try to learn the ropes. Don’t worry – no one was born knowing what to do and if they say they did they are lying to you and themselves. A friend told me about a saying that she heard- fake it until know it. That means pretend that you know what you are doing until you do. And if you don’t and never will know what you are doing, I suggest you look for something else to do.