Saturday, 23 March 2019

Boundaries In A Relationship

You are finally in your dream relationship, and you feel like it would last forever. However, not setting boundaries can be the wild card which you never considered. Setting boundaries in relationships for most people seem unnecessary. 

After all, the fact that they have been together for a long time would mean those boundaries would sooner or later not be important anymore. However, setting boundaries can preserve the respect and dignity in the relationship. In fact, it can make the relationship to be truly lasting.

While this is true, it may be a harder task to know how to effectively set boundaries in relationships. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then you are in the right place. In this article, we shall be considering essential tips which would help you set up boundaries effectively. Here are some of the most salient tips;

1. Communication
The first thing that is needed when setting boundaries in relationships is effective communication. The ability to express yourself honestly and clearly to another person is a gift which many people struggle. However, this is essential if you want to see your relationship blossom. It would also come in handy when you are dealing with boundaries.

Try to talk to your partners about the things which you like to set boundaries about. It is always recommended that you start with something your partner does well instead of going all out against them. Also, try to ensure that your partner is in a good or positive mood before you begin.

When communicating, your goal should be to improve your relationship. It would, therefore, be unnecessary for you to use a sarcastic tone or a rude comment when talking about a trait you do not like in your partner. Try not to downgrade the opinions of your partner especially if it does not agree with your own opinions.

When you mastered the art of communication with your partner, you would realize that half of your work is done.

2. Assumptions
One major thing you would have to avoid when setting boundaries are assumptions. Making assumptions about how your partner feels about a particular issue or trying to guess the feelings of your spouse based on their actions would be really wrong and may even lead to the deterioration of your relationship.

Granted, many couples have been together for several years, perhaps even decades. However, the truth is that there are always new things to learn about a person with each passing days. Also, people’s opinions change over time.

It is, therefore, important that you ask your partner what he or she feels about a particular issue, instead of assuming. This would make sure that you do not misjudge an issue. It’s vital to ask questions concerning the feelings of your partner; it would make them feel valued and prevent misunderstanding.

3. Discipline
Discipline is an essential step when it comes to set boundaries in relationships. When you are setting boundaries with your partner, you have to make sure that you are disciplined enough to follow through with any boundaries which you have set.

It would be of no use if you set a boundary in your relationship and break it under the slimmest pressure. For a boundary to have full effect, it is important that you execute it to full effect. This is also one way you can show your partner just how serious you are about the boundaries which you have set.

Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid making any exceptions to the boundaries which you have set. Once there are exceptions, the possibility of you dropping your hands on certain aspects of your boundaries would be much more likely.

4. Think
It is very easy for people to stop thinking when they are in relationships. There are so many emotions involved in a relationship, and really you cannot blame anyone for feeling a lot. However, the art of thinking is especially important when you are having relationship problems. When an issue occurs, it is very easy to look for all the flaws and mistakes in your partner and put all the blame on them. However, most times, it is not always their fault.

Sometimes, you should consciously take in all the actions that you have taken in a relationship. Try to see if you might have in one way or the other caused the problem or made your partner behave in a particular manner. Indeed, taking time to take about matters can make a difference in the boundaries in relationships.

5. Move on?
Sometimes, relationships aren’t just meant to be. Most partners might not be compatible, or some might just not be ready to make adjustments. It is important to distinguish between a partner who puts in efforts make the relationship better and a partner who is simply indifferent to all the boundaries you set. It is even worse if you have a partner who disrespects the boundaries which you have set and found them repulsive.

No matter how much you love someone, there are certain ways in which one should not be treated in a relationship. You should never be treated abusively or insignificantly (not as your partner’s priority). If you find that you are accorded the kind of respect or dignity you should have, then it might just be time to leave the relationship.

You should always remember that it is not your fault that your partner does not have the ability to communicate his or her feelings and that your partner is the only one who bears responsibility for that. Take time to analyze the relationship and decide what your next move would be.

Setting boundaries in relationships is not an easy task. However, it is one of the most important things you need to do to have a healthy relationship.

Without adequate and healthy boundaries, it would be impossible to grow a relationship with love, respect, and dignity for each other. You would keep on having conflicts which you can’t understand why. With this mind, it’s necessary to communicate with your partner about your boundaries regularly.

Avoid assuming what your partner feels or thinks about a particular issue and move on when you realize that things are simply not working out. Making the right decision would lead to blessings in the future.

Thursday, 21 March 2019


Why does she do these things!!?Rue exploded aloud as she yanked her hair up into a ponytail before snatching open her bedroom door. The faint sounds of their laughter grew louder as she made her way to the room where Naima and Rue’s surprise guest were seated. When Rue saw who it was waiting to see her she stood in the entryway unable to neither move nor speak. She found herself observing his every move and being captivated by his gentle ways, calming tone, and respectful interactions with Naima. Rue didn’t know how long she had been standing in the entryway observing him, but he was oblivious to her presence until Naima called for Rue to enter into the room and join them.
Immediately he stood up and adjusted his suit jacket, picked up the vase of two dozen white long stem roses, and walked towards Rue. He handed them to her and said: “These are for you Rue. How are you…how are you doing?” Rue smiled and thanked him for the roses without answering either of his questions.
He looked at her facial expression and said: “I have to explain to you about last night. When I saw my cousin Lavelle with you, I wanted to know what his intentions were with you. So, I pulled him aside and asked him if he was going to marry you. He told me that he had no intentions of committing to you and marrying you. So I told him to leave you alone. Rue, you deserve someone who will love and commit to you in marriage.”
Rue placed the vase of roses down on the coffee table and sat down on the sofa. Her eyebrows furrowed and lips curled as she blurted out: “We didn’t work out…that’s why you and I only went out on that one date and haven’t spoken ever since until right now…”He responded to Rue saying: “But it did work out. I want to marry you…have a family with you…love and care for you and make you happy until the day I die.  When I first saw you, I knew that I wanted to marry you…our date was just confirmation for me.”
Rue stared at Bodie as if he were delusional. He knelt down in front of her, stared into her eyes and stated,“Timing is everything and my timing was completely off during our date; you lashed out at me because you were hurting. Your soul was broken because you lost your husband. You were just going through the motions, trying to keep it all together. I’m sorry my questions overwhelmed you and pushed you over the edge.”
Bodie continued, “Ever since our date, I have been unable to get you off of my mind. I haven’t dated nor pursued any woman except you. For a year and a half I’ve been calling Naima twice a week to check on you and see how you’re doing. Rue, I want you to know that I am okay with you not being okay because I understand that healing takes time. So I will continue to pray for you until you receive your breakthrough and are able to smile…laugh…live and love again…”
Rue jumped up from the sofa; Bodie reached for both of her hands and said “Please talk to me Rue…. Please tell me what I said that made you uncomfortable.”  Without hesitation, Rue responded and said: “This…all of this is too much! The way you’re talking to me right now as if you know me…as if you really care and are concerned about me…what do you want with a woman who is broken!?”
Bodie responded and said,“I am concerned about you because you’re a part of me…you’re my rib. You were gently and carefully crafted by God, for me. It is my responsibility to pray, care and love you to wholeness…if you’ll let me…will you let me?” As Rue looked at Bodie sideways, Naima cleared her throat and said “It’s time for you to stop holding it in and tell him the truth Rue…”