No one
wants to be alone. As human beings, we desire relationships with others. God
created us as social beings. Gen 1:18 state “And God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone. I will make a
helper comparable to him’”. Then God instituted marriage. In verse 24 of
the same chapter we see that God desires for men and women to develop
relationship leading to marriage. But how do we decide whom we will marry? Do
we date only people we wish to marry?
Because we
likely live with a mate in marriage and within a community around us. God wants
us to learn to how to live in harmony with others. God has given us laws and
wise policies to insure peace and enjoyable uplifting relationships. Dating
is a means to learn how to relate socially with that half of the opposite
gender. Dating is a means of getting to know someone better. Courtship
is the final step before marriage, when a man and a woman are BOTH deciding
whether they truly want to marry and are truly for one another. ALL dating
is NOT courtship. Dating may lead to courtship and courtship will include
dating, but dating need not have romantic overtones. It can just be
companionship in a mutually pleasing activity.
courting has been getting a second look by some who sees pitfalls in today’s
dating scene. Steady one-on-one dating at too young an age with no goal of
marriage in sight can lead to problems and temptations. (Of course, courting
isn’t the starting place for those not of marriageable age. The natural
alternative today is a group outing with less stress, less emotional attachment
and still enough time to chat and compare personalities.) A date, if approached
with the wrong attitude, is reckless frivolity, while courting aims at
Teenagers and
Youth are falling in and out of love on daily basis. Hormones are raging and
hearts are bonding. It has taken me some time to be comfortable with the idea
that dating is part of the natural distancing process that comes with young
adulthood. Additionally, dating helps teens to forge new relationships and test
new alliance (an important part of growing up).
4:23 tells us to be extremely careful with about our affections. We human are
often prone to give our heart away too easily. That being so, it is wise not to
date someone whose character or faith will lead you away from God and His way
of life. Ancient Israel was warned not to intermarry with the nations around
them lest their heart be turned from Him. (Deuteronomy 7:3-4). The wrong kind
of dating can have the following negative effects:
It leads to intimacy but not necessarily
to commitment. When couples eventually break up, they simply move on to another
similar relationship.
It tends to skip the friendship stage of a
relationship. Friendship can be described as two people walking side by side
toward a common goal or interest. Typically dating tends to focus on being a
couple with the goal of intimacy.
It often mistakes a physical relationship for
love. A later chapter talks about looking up “love” in God’s dictionary to see
what it should entail. Sex does not equal love, yet it is often mistaken for
love. The excitement of the physical relationship is intoxicating.
It often isolates a couple from other vital
relationships. Many authors have noted the importance of making a lot of
friends of both sexes while young so you have a good idea of what others are
like. Often when a breakup comes, other friends have been or will be alienated,
leaving the former couple isolated and lonely at a time when they really need
In many cases it distracts young
adults from their primary responsibility of preparing for the future. The most obvious
thought might be of higher education, but even developing skills and talents
can be stunted when one’s attention is focused on steady dating.
It can cause discontentment with God’s
gift of singleness. Some might disagree with the choice of phrasing, but the
focus is that being single means you have opportunities for growth, learning
and service that will be more difficult if not impossible when married. The
author urges people to use their time as a single to its maximum capacity.
It creates an artificial environment for
evaluating another person’s character. Being fun on a date doesn’t necessarily
say a lot about how a person will be as a husband or wife. Real-life settings
around family and other friends show much more of what a person is really like.
like personality and maturity levels differ from one person to another; and
each person must decide for himself / herself when a relationship is becoming
serious. How do you know when you are ready for a serious relationship with the
opposite sex? Maturity level is the best gauge for answering this question. But
whether you are in a relationship already or planning to go into one. Here are
some tips about what Girls really want in
a guy and vice-versa.
Ladies First:
§ Gentleness
and kindness, genuineness and sincerity. No interest here in the broody,
hot-tempered and rough or the obsessively jealous.
§ Easy
to communicate with. They were silent on the silent type.
§ Maturity
on demand. Fun-loving is fine, but foolish is out.
§ Chivalrous,
respectful and eager to serve. A fellow who opens doors for them and keeps his
armor of honor well shined.
§ Appropriate self-confidence with a strong work
ethic, finding joy in his work. When this kind of young man matures, he can and
will provide well for his wife— and children. That’s a serious concern on girls’
minds, guys—girls who are thinking, that is.
§ Self-control
with money, toys and temper. There are few things worse than being shackled to
a broke, hot-tempered goof-off.
§ Patience
with women and with womanly behavior they don’t fully understand. This is very
important when dating and in marriage.
§ Not
self-centered; interested in all types of people. This is the kind of guy girls
love to be around.
§ Thoughtful
and appreciative—one “thank you” goes a long way. The females of the species
get far too little credit for all they do, gentlemen.
§ A
positive attitude when facing the challenges and trials of life. This is a sign
and act of leadership.
§ Tamed
down heroism in the daily details of life. This means he brings flowers, sends
cards, etc.
§ Creative
attentiveness; he knows what to do and when (or at least takes such advice well).
Takes initiative in making decisions.
Honesty with diplomacy—a girl who kindly
speaks her mind. Uncomplicated, and says what she means. Too much feminine
mystique can be a mistake.
Thinks for herself and is not clingy.
A girl who fosters intelligent opinions and has the confidence and poise to
pose them.
Gracefully polite and courteous. Manners
matter to good guys.
Graceful in damage control. She
adroitly resolves difficulties and keeps her cool.
Graceful in posture; fit and strong. Guys
can’t help but notice the fit and strong ideal girl/woman of Proverbs 31:17.
A good sense of style and modesty in
dress. Bugs and guys that sting are attracted by bare skin; not the kind of guy
you want to win.
Cleanliness in person and housekeeping.
This reveals much about who you are inside (and it applies to guys too!).
Empathetic; notices the needs of
others and is willing to serve. This is the essence of Christian love for
fellow man.
Desire to teach children. Remember, dating
eventually leads to marriage, which leads to kids.
Good cook and good driver. Trust guys to
think of the practical.
Joyful, happy personality with a good
sense of humor; a complete person. The girl who is balanced, comfortable with
herself, emotionally healthy and who doesn’t take herself too seriously is the
kind of girl that guys are drawn to.
Strong in the faith and dedicated to
God and His ways. High spiritual standards may not make you popular with a lot
of fellows, but they’re not the ones you want to date anyway.
§ A
good cook and a good eater. Lasses like lads who won’t starve when they’re on their
own and who can lend a hand in the kitchen.
§ Emotionally
secure, with absolute trust and trustworthiness. Someone who is steady at the
wheel and loyal to the core. Ability to compromise on practical matters (and
who doesn’t pout when he doesn’t get his own way).
§ Common
sense and intelligence. These are vital when a girl seeks to follow a guy’s
lead on a date or in life.
§ Willingness
to change when needed. Stubbornness is unattractive in both genders. Ability to
rightly prioritize his life. This kind of a fellow can get some traction.
§ Right
kind of ambition; a go-getter. This applies to education and career, and wise
girls notice it.
§ Most
importantly, a strong belief in God and His way of life. Spiritual
wishy-washiness is a danger sign to girls with eyes to see.
v The
sacrifice (time, money, emotion, etc) put into a transient relationship is
proportional to the pain of break up when it occurs.
v The
rate of telling lies is equal to the importance of what they want. That is, the
number of times they lie about a thing or make up sympathy stories about a
thing explains how badly they want or don’t want it.
v The
number of sexual intercourse involved reduces the life span of the
relationship. Contrary to believes regular sexual intercourse with your
boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t make him/her like you more.
v Double
dating equals the absence of trust not only in your partner but also in
yourself. An average Nigerian teenager believes they’ve been hurt in previous
relationship and the only way to avoid that is to double date or have a “back
up plan” like some call it. This breaks a relationship faster than it
keeps it both now and in marriage.
v As
the trust in a relationship increases, the pressure of break up reduces.
v Body
exposure to a guy is a sign of sexual invitation. If you are not ready for sex,
don’t give him a reason to think it, and you shouldn’t be ready till marriage
because that is what it’s designed for.
sell yourself short. Don’t give your heart—or body—to the wrong kind of person
or at the wrong time. Right dating is a fine art that builds life skills with
practice. In the middle of that emotional battlefield of the sexes, called modern
dating, grows a single, perfect rose. Ask God to lead you to it, and when the
time is right, with His blessing, to carry it home and make it your own.
are some basic guidelines that can be applied and that will demonstrate a level
of maturity while providing protection.
Ø Group
dating not only provides increased safety and less social stress, carefully
chosen, it can help develop social skills; establish friendships and maintain
high moral standards. Group events give an opportunity to observe how your date
interacts with others within the protection of a group. A lot can be learnt
about a person within this type of setting.
Ø Bring
your dating concerns to God. Echo David’s Psalms 25:21 prayer “May integrity
and uprightness protect me, because I hope in you”.
Ø Always
have your date meet your parent or guardians before ant date actually takes
Ø Honour
boundary commitments, call home at times agreed and adheres to curfews.
Ø If
there is a change of plan or venue, let your parent or guidance know. For
example, going to a beach instead of a cinema
Ø Never
date a person who you know is not a believer (Christian).
youth and teenagers, dating has the potential to become a distraction from
dreams and goals. When too much of yourself is given to a temporary
relationship, you can run the chance of missing out on a lot and being drawn
away from a powerful relationship with God. That may not happen in every
relationship but it happens enough to make sure it is taken seriously.
dating at the appropriate time is important. It provides awesome life
experiences, teaches you how to talk to and interact with the opposite sex; and
helps you to mature into someone who will be ready to get married at the
appropriate time.
To be continued
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