Today, I want to share some thoughts on the common mind games guys play in relationships. Let me know if you agree with my perspective below:
A mind game can come in different forms, but one thing is always consistent; they are employed to play with the emotions. In this article, you’ll discover the mind games men play in relationships.
There are different reasons why a man would play mind games: it could be to test the loyalty, intelligence or, even the love of his significant other; or it could simply be fun for him; cruel as that may sound, IT IS THE TRUTH.
Some other men may play mind games as a means to an end; trust me this is even crueler because, they simply play their partners for what they have to gain, most times with little or, utter disregard for their feelings.
In as much as some of these mind games men play can be glaring, some people cannot see through it. And if care is not taken, it can lead to relationship problems that will create a whole lot of relationship drama.
Do not believe this? Let us check it out: Mind games that men play in relationships. And let us see how many you can identify with.
1. The Not Calling Game
I personally call this, the “who is more interested” game. This game can be rather torturous especially when you are emotionally invested. You may begin to question yourself and your feelings, wondering what you have done wrong or, even if you read the signs wrong.
The first thing you need to do is to relax. Chances are, he probably feels he is not important enough to you. He most likely just wants to know that he is important. At this point, what you want to do is to communicate and take initiatives to show him that he is, in fact, important to you.
2. The Silent Treatment Game
This is one of the most common mind games men play in relationships. For this one, I find particularly annoying and, I have noticed, tends to drive people over the edge. This is because women are communicative by nature and like to have a steady flow of conversation with their partners when this flow ebbs.
However when you begin to get monosyllabic responses; it immediately becomes a red flag. You begin to wonder what went wrong. The answer is nothing. This can be the way that he wants to know your endurance limit.
The best course of action at this point would be to hold out on him. Do not act needy, but, still, be sure to let him know that you care about him.
3. The Comparison Game
Now, I believe with all of my heart when I say this; nobody likes to be compared to whether male or female. And it is by far the worst form of mind game anyone can play on a girl, least of all her man.
Comparing her negatively to another girl is in simple form, highlighting her flaws, faults, and shortcomings. This could be a means of getting you to change for the better or, just to see how you fare under provocation.
The best option, do not let him provoke you, you need to have high self-esteem to stand on your feet. But you may also want to see if he does have a point though.
4. The Flirting Game
Ha! This is a multipurpose mind game. He may be doing this to get you interested by drawing out jealousy; also, he may be doing this just to play with you or; he may truly just want to move on.
For the first reason, you may want to just give him the attention he wants. That should be enough.
And for the second reason, you may want to let him know that you are on to him and, there is a limit to which you can tolerate it. Trust me; he will buckle up.
For the third reason, he is not interested; I’m afraid there simply is nothing you can do but to let him go.
5. The Secretive Game
Also known as the “how much do you care” game. This game is simply to know just how much you care about him.
He can come across as secretive and keeping things to himself; always wanting to be on his own. And he just wants to know that you care enough to be concerned. To this, do not push but, make it clear that you are genuinely concerned about him.
6. The No Sex Game
Men are very sexual creatures and, for them to suddenly develop a disinterest in sex, something has to be wrong. Chances are, he is doing this because he wants something sexually.
Now you would naturally get concerned, ask him what the problem is, and ask him for how you can fix it. This is where he brings up his demand without actually being demanding.
There are different reasons why a man would play mind games: it could be to test the loyalty, intelligence or, even the love of his significant other; or it could simply be fun for him; cruel as that may sound, IT IS THE TRUTH.
Some other men may play mind games as a means to an end; trust me this is even crueler because, they simply play their partners for what they have to gain, most times with little or, utter disregard for their feelings.
In as much as some of these mind games men play can be glaring, some people cannot see through it. And if care is not taken, it can lead to relationship problems that will create a whole lot of relationship drama.
Do not believe this? Let us check it out: Mind games that men play in relationships. And let us see how many you can identify with.
1. The Not Calling Game
I personally call this, the “who is more interested” game. This game can be rather torturous especially when you are emotionally invested. You may begin to question yourself and your feelings, wondering what you have done wrong or, even if you read the signs wrong.
The first thing you need to do is to relax. Chances are, he probably feels he is not important enough to you. He most likely just wants to know that he is important. At this point, what you want to do is to communicate and take initiatives to show him that he is, in fact, important to you.
2. The Silent Treatment Game
This is one of the most common mind games men play in relationships. For this one, I find particularly annoying and, I have noticed, tends to drive people over the edge. This is because women are communicative by nature and like to have a steady flow of conversation with their partners when this flow ebbs.
However when you begin to get monosyllabic responses; it immediately becomes a red flag. You begin to wonder what went wrong. The answer is nothing. This can be the way that he wants to know your endurance limit.
The best course of action at this point would be to hold out on him. Do not act needy, but, still, be sure to let him know that you care about him.
3. The Comparison Game
Now, I believe with all of my heart when I say this; nobody likes to be compared to whether male or female. And it is by far the worst form of mind game anyone can play on a girl, least of all her man.
Comparing her negatively to another girl is in simple form, highlighting her flaws, faults, and shortcomings. This could be a means of getting you to change for the better or, just to see how you fare under provocation.
The best option, do not let him provoke you, you need to have high self-esteem to stand on your feet. But you may also want to see if he does have a point though.
4. The Flirting Game
Ha! This is a multipurpose mind game. He may be doing this to get you interested by drawing out jealousy; also, he may be doing this just to play with you or; he may truly just want to move on.
For the first reason, you may want to just give him the attention he wants. That should be enough.
And for the second reason, you may want to let him know that you are on to him and, there is a limit to which you can tolerate it. Trust me; he will buckle up.
For the third reason, he is not interested; I’m afraid there simply is nothing you can do but to let him go.
5. The Secretive Game
Also known as the “how much do you care” game. This game is simply to know just how much you care about him.
He can come across as secretive and keeping things to himself; always wanting to be on his own. And he just wants to know that you care enough to be concerned. To this, do not push but, make it clear that you are genuinely concerned about him.
6. The No Sex Game
Men are very sexual creatures and, for them to suddenly develop a disinterest in sex, something has to be wrong. Chances are, he is doing this because he wants something sexually.
Now you would naturally get concerned, ask him what the problem is, and ask him for how you can fix it. This is where he brings up his demand without actually being demanding.
In this situation, what you can do is show concern, but, do not be manipulated into something that you are not comfortable with. Read more about the truth about men and sex here:
7. The Ride Game
I detest this particular mind game because it can be so blinding. He is taking you for a ride, and you cannot see it. He constantly breaks your heart, ditches you at important moments, and then comes back months later with crazy stories about what happened; and you keep taking him back.
Sadly for this one, you cannot say that he is testing you in any way. He is simply not right for you. Ditch him and save yourself the next heartbreak and disappointment.
8. The Ignorance Game
You got that right; this is also a mind game that men play. He could go on ignoring you for days, just looking to judge your reaction.
And chances are, he may be genuinely busy and, may be unable to give you attention. Or he may just be testing your patience. Either way, patience is key here. Let your final decision be based on facts and not emotions.
9. The Whirlwind Game
This is what romantics are all about! Love at first sight and magical nights until slowly, he begins to grow tired.
This kind of mind game is the perfect game. He is the perfect man right from the onset until he simply is not. Therefore, it’s essential to know how to identify if he is a good man!
The key here is patience. Do not get overwhelmed by your emotions. Give yourself time to see if it is the real thing or if it is just an illusion. Trust me; you will be happier for it.
Find any of the above mind games men play that you could identify with? The mind games that man play go on from the space game to the no compliments game; however, it is really all just the same.
The important thing is to recognize these mind games for what they are, learn how to deal with them and if need be, toss them out.
7. The Ride Game
I detest this particular mind game because it can be so blinding. He is taking you for a ride, and you cannot see it. He constantly breaks your heart, ditches you at important moments, and then comes back months later with crazy stories about what happened; and you keep taking him back.
Sadly for this one, you cannot say that he is testing you in any way. He is simply not right for you. Ditch him and save yourself the next heartbreak and disappointment.
8. The Ignorance Game
You got that right; this is also a mind game that men play. He could go on ignoring you for days, just looking to judge your reaction.
And chances are, he may be genuinely busy and, may be unable to give you attention. Or he may just be testing your patience. Either way, patience is key here. Let your final decision be based on facts and not emotions.
9. The Whirlwind Game
This is what romantics are all about! Love at first sight and magical nights until slowly, he begins to grow tired.
This kind of mind game is the perfect game. He is the perfect man right from the onset until he simply is not. Therefore, it’s essential to know how to identify if he is a good man!
The key here is patience. Do not get overwhelmed by your emotions. Give yourself time to see if it is the real thing or if it is just an illusion. Trust me; you will be happier for it.
Find any of the above mind games men play that you could identify with? The mind games that man play go on from the space game to the no compliments game; however, it is really all just the same.
The important thing is to recognize these mind games for what they are, learn how to deal with them and if need be, toss them out.
PS: Simply comment and let me know your thoughts, I'd love to hear from you!
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