Monday, 7 August 2017

10 Ways Singles Need to Take Care of THEMSELVES

Human beings are magnetic. We’re drawn to people who are on similar levels of emotional, spiritual, and psychological health as we are.

This is why self-care and health are such a crucial part of life no matter what your relationship status. The more you take care of yourself, the more you propel yourself to a better place, where you’ll naturally attract (and be attracted to) people who are also at a “better place”.

So, I asked singles to tell me: What are the BEST things you do to take care of yourself? I loved the answers so much, I decided to share them with you. Here are some of my favourites, summarized into 10 categories. I hope they inspire you, encourage you, and challenge you to see the incredible importance of taking care of YOURSELF. 
1.      GET CONNECTED WITH GOOD PEOPLE: “Surround yourself with good, encouraging, and godly people who will build you up and not tear you down.” “I get together with a mixed group of singles and marrieds once a week for bible study/social hangout which is great for variety.” “Spending time with my family while I have the chance!” “Having a community is THE BEST thing you can do for yourself when you are single.”
2.      TAKE SOME TIME TO SEE THE WORLD: “Travel. I make sure to take at least 2 trips a year, domestic or international. I always feel better after getting out of town for a bit.”
3.      DEEPEN YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS: “Time-outs spent with God by myself are the best things.” “I turn to God’s Word” “Write to God in my journal”.
4.      READ A LOT OF GOOD BOOKS: “Read books that promote emotional & spiritual health.
5.      FIND AN ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER TO KEEP YOU ON TRACK: “I spend time in meaningful conversations with other single female friends and keep accountable with them.”
6.      GET COUNSELLING: “See a therapist!” “There’s no better investment than getting yourself emotionally and mentally healthy”
7.      TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY: “Setting a goals, exercise, prayer, reading, eating the right food and stay optimistic.” “Try regular massages, manicures and pedicures!”
8.      LIVE IN THE MOMENT: “Star-gazing, being outside walking in the rain, sunrises & sunsets, and going for long drives.” “Go for long walks.”
9.      SET GOALS FOR YOURSELF: “Try a vision board collage.” “Write down your goals.”
10.  GET PLUGGED INTO CHURCH: “I like to keep busy with going to church, ladies conferences, bible studies anything to feed my spirit.” “Go to church/community groups!”

By Debra Fileta

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