Have you ever
wondered what guys are looking for in a wife?
Or maybe you’re a
man, and you’ve dated a few women, but never felt like someone was “marriage
In looking at my
own relationship with my wife, and the relationships of those around me that
have been successful, I’ve noticed that here are a few traits that make a woman
“marriage material”. Of course this list is not the end-all-be-all, but for me,
these were important factors in choosing the woman I wanted to get to know, and
ultimately marry.
melts a man’s heart more than a woman who exudes love and compassion for others.
The first weekend I met my wife Deb, the one thing that stuck out to me was how big her heart
was. (I also thought she was unbelievably gorgeous, which is always a plus…).
But what truly meant the most to me was hearing about her mission work to
orphanages in the Middle East, and her ongoing work in the States with at-risk
inner city youth. She wasn’t just talking the talk, she was living it
The reason
compassion is so attractive to a man, is because true compassion stems directly
from the heart of Christ. When God’s love fills a person, that love begins to
overflow into all areas of their life and impact those around them. That’s
something that stood out to me in my wife-to-be, because it wasn’t a love that
was being given in order to receive, it was a supernatural love that was being
given freely because of what Jesus had done in her life. That, in and of
itself, spoke volumes to the kind of wife she would one day be.
DIRECTION: We’re all
traveling through the journey of life, and it’s our hope that one day someone
will be journeying by our side. But the thing is, the person who ends up next
to you has a huge impact on the direction your life will take. A key quality to
being marriage material is a woman who has direction.
Direction doesn’t
necessarily mean that she is going to be a neurosurgeon or big-shot attorney,
and isn’t synonymous with how much money she is going to make or how successful
she will be. Direction is when a person realizes their God-given talent
and purpose in life and begins to run in that direction with all their heart. When
I met Deb, she was in graduate school for counselling. To be honest, I knew
almost nothing about the field. But as she talked about it, I could see the excitement
and passion in her eyes. Now, 10 years later, I have so much respect and
appreciation for what she does because I see the huge impact she makes one life
at a time.
The important
thing to note about direction is that it goes above and beyond your career.
It’s about understanding what God has gifted you to do, and then doing it well:
whether that be your career, your ministry, or your relationships.
Find someone who is consistently
following God, and you can be sure that your marriage will always be moving in
the right direction.
is nothing more attractive than a woman who is secure in who she is and knows
her value. I think one of the biggest problems today facing women is an
identity crisis perpetuated by our media, our movies, and the entire
entertainment industry. But the most beautiful thing a woman can be is wrapped
up in the understanding of her intrinsic value, a God-given value that
can’t be taken away. There is something undeniably attractive about that,
because let’s be honest, it’s rare. All these photo-shopped images of women
that we see all around us are actually so far removed from the very
things that a godly man finds attractive. It’s my hope that more and more
women would realize that they are beautiful simply because they are made in
God’s image: mind, body, and spirit- and then begin to live out that
Side note to the
men: Don’t fall into the lies of pornography, or thinking that a woman is
beautiful simply because she falls under the standards of society. That beauty
is truly only skin deep, and won’t survive a life-time of ups and downs in
marriage and raising children.
The first time I
actually met Deb, I thought she was one of the most beautiful women I had ever
met and was undeniably attracted to her. But though her external beauty caught
my eye, it’s not what kept me. What kept me was her internal beauty and
identity in Christ – that’s what won my heart. “Charm is
deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be
To all of you men
looking for a woman who is marriage material, or for the women who are trying
to become it – remember this: becoming marriage material is so much
more than simply trying to get married. Ultimately,
it’s about becoming all that God has called you to be. Achieving
these traits don’t guarantee you a spouse, but they do guarantee that you’re
becoming mature, healthy, and more like Christ along the way. And that, my
friends, is an incredible place to be.
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