Saturday, 8 February 2014


Teen-age, which is called Puberty Stage by the scientist is a stage  which falls between the ages of 13-19 years. A stage wherein teenagers want to exhibit and display the potential(s) in them. They want the elderly ones to see that they can handle things themselves, that they are old enough to make decisions. But most teenagers forget that it is only a stepping stone (stage) to adulthood and not really adulthood.   Most teenagers tend to misbehave in this stage, which is not supposed to be so. Some teenagers feel it's a stage to start a relationship {which they cannot handle}. While some feel that the adults are too hard on them at this stage, so they are easily offended. It is quite certain that many teenagers desired to be recognised, respected and reserved. More so, many parents tend not to understand this stage of life in their children, which they too have passed through. But yet it is a real traumatize stage. Generally, teenagers become conscious of their life style.  Their looks, clothing, voice, steps in walking, kind of friends they move around with, etc.   Looking at the female angle, every girl  from the age of 12 and above tends to be more neat than before, when around guys changes the tone and pitch of voice. Womanhood comes in, delights in shaking their boobs when walking. Infact, they sometimes look at their boobs to see if it is moving. They begin to choose who should be their friends and who they should be seen around with.   At the male side, they have coarse voice, try to walk tall and want to portray that they are caring and then speaking softly when around girls. In this stage, they (male and female) feel they are of age and want to do things their own way, want to show they are mature to handle themselves without supervision.   However, parents seem to misunderstand this stage of their life. Parents tend to be harsh and too protective with them. Parents fear they might be spoilt by influence of friends but they've forgotten the words of King Solomon which says “train up your child in the way of the Lord and when he/she grows he/she will not depart from it.” [Proverbs 22:6].   But how do we really help parents and teenagers to understand themselves; Ø Let parents train up their children in the standard they want them to be while they are still very young. Ø Teenagers should recognise they are not matured yet but just entering the stage of maturity. Ø Parents should watch their children as they grow, know their temperament, then train and correct them. Ø Teenagers should understand that their parents love them and wants the best for them. Ø Parents should make sure there is no communication break with their children, especially at this stage.  


Temperament is a person's nature as shown in the way they behave or react to situations or people. Temperament can also be habit(s) that end up forming part of a person's character. There are four (4) popular temperaments which parents should recognise in their children in order for parents to give them a better training with the use of their temperament.  They are: Sanguine   Choleric   Melancholy   Phlegmatic SANGUINE: These sets of people are the lively type, always in a happy mood. Try to make others laugh anywhere they are. They are very emotional and easily make friends. They look for friends, they don't wait for people to come to them, they go people. Working aspect, they are the best sales person a company will enjoy. CHOLERIC: These people are restless, they are goal getter people. Easily annoyed and quickly forget friends they are chatting with when they see a business deal. They handle and finish a project they embark on. But sometimes they start a thing and not finish it, they leave it for someone else (mostly melancholy) to finish their job. They are cruel in nature but they are the best organiser you can have around, to think for you or plan for you. MELANCHOLY: They are the perfectionist. When they set their mind to do something, they make sure it is neatly attended to and accomplished. They are very calculative and easily express their feelings. They easily leave tings undone when they are angry or frustrated by somebody or a speech. PHLEGMATIC: These are the quiet slow kind of people. They are lazy and never ready to do anything except they are forced to do it. They have this angelic look but low personality.

To be continued.

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