Tuesday, 17 November 2015

MID-WEEK SPECIAL {18th November, 2015}

The Computer system is one of the amazing inventions of our current world and it has proven to be invaluable in our daily operations and activities. The Computer system has amazing capacity/potentials to process information (although input determines output – garbage in, garbage out). All that capacity will not see the light of day without power supply.

While the computer system is inanimate, we have a lot of lessons that can be learnt from its composition and operation. We have enough sense to connect our appliances and devices to power source and even recharge them often.

We constantly check our battery level and some of us go to the extent of doubling the battery capacity of our devices. As it applies to most of us, we spend fortunes to ensure that we are connected to (at least) one power source; we get power banks, UPS, Inverters etc. – all these underscore our need for constant power supply.

Acknowledging our composition and knowing who we are will enable us to discover and fulfil our purpose – we are spirits who live in earth-suits (known as bodies). Irrespective of the beauty and condition of your hardware, you know quite well that your software matters more! We respond (almost automatically) to requests informing us to upgrade our software for optimal performance; do we attempt to do same to our spirit? You gain sustenance and nourishment from your source; fishes get theirs from water, birds get theirs from the air and plants from the soil. These creatures know that a violation of the connection principle means danger, humans should take a cue to them and get wisdom!

To start with,
Ø  Have you checked your battery (spiritual) level today?
Ø  Do you have your charger (Bible) close to you?
Ø  Are you close to uninterrupted power supply (Holy Spirit)?
Ø  Is your software (prayer life) running on the latest version?
Ø  When was the last time you checked your system for virus?

Jesus said… “without me, you can do nothing”, make sure you are connected to your source and you will be nourished so that you can flourish.

Watch out for the concluding part or contact HeartPrints Planet

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