& Eve weren’t married, “he said.
I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t believe my boyfriend, a minister in
training, was trying to convince me to sleep with him prior to marriage by
using Bible characters.
When I persisted
in saying no, he told me my desire to abstain was a “good goal,” but wasn’t

Have you ever dated
a church player? These are
men who profess to be Christian, who may even be active in the church and are
highly respected by people in the congregation, but they take advantage of
the fact that women are taught to wait on the Lord to send them a man. They
know that churches are made up of almost 80-90% of women. And they know
that many of the single women haven’t been on a date in a long time and have
been taught not to date men outside of the church.
These guys manipulate you with religious clichés like, “God said you’re my wife,” and “you’re my good thing.” They make you feel like
they want to marry you, but have no intention of settling down with you.
They’re after one thing, and once they get it, they’ll use more scriptures to
justify why you need to break up!
Why does this
happen in our churches which are supposed to be safe places for us?
Listen to the confession from this 40-year-old, divorced church player
who came clean about his bad-boy behaviour to author Sophia Nelson in her book, Black Woman Redefined:
“These women are
like whores. I know it is wrong to use that term, but in my church, it is
something like thirty-two to one, and the sisters let it all hang out. I am
enjoying myself. I never knew such sexual freedom existed, but I would never marry one of these women. I know it is a
double standard, but I am a man, and the world is not going to judge me as it
does a woman. Worse, the pastor knows what goes on in here too, and he simply
looks the other way.”
self-proclaimed Christian man is manipulating the double-standard that exists
in churches. Women are told to “act like a lady,” “stay out of the flesh,” and
“keep your legs closed.” Then, when a man succeeds in melting her defences
and leaves her without the ring, she is shamed, blamed and humiliated.
The pain is so great for a woman who has been
hurt by a church player that she tends to tighten up her belt of righteousness,
build up walls around her heart, and focus solely on her faith. These women
struggle with dating because they’re afraid of getting hurt again.
So what’s the solution? How can sisters protect
themselves from church players without becoming so defensive that they shut all
men out of their lives?
Honestly, we as a
community need to have some real and raw conversations about this for the sake
of healing our sisters and transforming our men.
get started, here are four areas to consider:
1. We need to hold our church leaders
accountable. The “boys will be boys” way of thinking needs to
go, from the pews to the pulpit! Let’s expect our men to honour God, honour
women and honour themselves. And let’s heal whatever it is that’s broken in
these church players so that they can stop preying on others.
2. We need to rethink the ways we talk about
sexuality in the church. Shaming women and holding them
responsible for men’s bad behaviour isn’t working, especially when you think
about the centuries of abuse and trauma Black women have suffered at the hands
of men they’ve loved.
God created sex
and he created marriage, but if we continue with the “touch not, handle not”
approach to teaching about sexuality, we’ll lose our sisters.
3. We need to heal ourselves. I
spoke with a man who said that’s it’s a known fact that churches are filled
with hurting women and guys will prey upon them. It’s time to disconnect from
the pain of the past, sisters, so you don’t fall victim to the
half-truths church players use to get what they want.
4. We need to teach the truth. If
you’re constantly hearing things like, “online dating is a sin,” “women need to
sit down somewhere and be found,” or “God’s will is for you to stay single but
you’d better not have sex,” have the courage to think for yourself and search
out the truth. God doesn’t use shame, blame or guilt to motivate us!
Find a life-giving
church to attend that will teach you practical ways to date, court and get
married that will honour God and keep you fulfilled. That way, when a church
player comes with his one liners, you’ll see right through him!
would you add to the list?
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