Dating and
relationships can be tough at times. It isn’t always easy navigating through
all the nonsense and figuring who is truly best for you. There are so many
factors to consider, but ultimately the most important factor is God. Getting His
guidance on the matter is essential when you’re trying to position yourself to
receive what is best for you. However, it isn’t always a simple process because
hearing Him correctly is a work in progress for most.
If that
wasn’t hard enough to deal with, now you have to also consider the impact of family, friends, and
possibly your pastor when it comes to who you’re dating. They will have an
opinion, and you can’t escape it when you have active relationships with them.
It’s all good when everyone is on the same page, but you may not be so lucky.
What happens when you feel God is telling you that you have met your future
husband/wife, but your inner circle is telling you that you’re wrong? Do they
know what’s best, or are they just not looking at things correctly? Could you
be getting this wrong, or are you letting fear steer you away from what you
truly feel within you?
If you
didn’t get any resistance, then there would be no opportunity for you to
experience God’s greatness…
Personally I
don’t care what that inner circle tells you, you have to always listen to God.
Those people may have very good intentions, but they are not God. They may
struggle to see beyond the surface, whereas God’s vision is limitless. You
can’t expect them to fully understand and grasp your situation, because they
are not walking in your shoes. They can’t feel what you feel, and they will not
see what you see. Their opposition is just part of the process of your growth
in faith. If you didn’t get any resistance, then there would be no opportunity
for you to experience God’s greatness when it comes to following Him in faith
even when the path ahead seems unreasonable.
Now don’t
get me wrong, I know there are people who are just getting things confused, and
it’s possible you could be one of them. Some may be intentionally lying to
themselves, and to others in order to justify what they want to do, and you
could possibly be one of them. The things is, only you truly know if you are
indeed one of those people. It is up to you to look within yourself and to go
to God for the real answer. Don’t leave it up to trying to interpret signs,
because the Devil can throw up signs too. The key is doing your due diligence
in communicating and connecting with God. If you are doing what is necessary to
gain clarity, then that is what really matters.
In life,
what you see isn’t always what you get. Many things require a much deeper look
in order to properly evaluate what you are dealing with. This rule doesn’t
change when it comes to dating and relationships. If anything it becomes that
much more important to embrace this concept if you truly want to set yourself
up for a happy and successful relationship. God is
your greatest tool to getting that deeper look, and no person should trump or
replace His guidance. Be honest with yourself, let your spirit guide you, and
let faith not fear be the foundation you stand on.
BMWK: Does your
family, friends and even your Pastor’s opinion really matter to you?
Hmmm, nice, i tink their opinion matters too one way or d other for one reason or the other and dat wil also help me see tins in their own point of view. they trying to show how much they care. but truth b told am the one whose gonna spend d rest of ma life with dis guy, so I HAVE THE LAST SAY in the matter at the long run.